How do you heard about EB?
I first heard about Echappee Belle in 2015 by a friend from the Loire valley. We did the 47 in 2016. For me it was a very nice experience and I met two guys finishing the 144. Since then it is my goal. I started in 2019 but had to quit, my stomach preparation was not good. 2020 I will take the 87. I also bring our son 30 and son in law 32. 2021 I will go for 149 again.

Why you would like to run Echappee Belle?
I love Echappee Belle Because of the people, the mountain, the wildness and the environment is magic. I always run in nature and for the pleasure and challenges it gives me. For most of the runners, L’Echappee belle is realistic unrealistic.

What are you looking for with ultra trail running in general?
I like Ultra Trail because you make the impossible possible. I connect with my self and nature in a special way. Important for me that I don’t need to damage my body. I just use all my knowledge and training to survive.

10 years ago ultra trail Echappee Belle was not even in my wildest dream. I didn’t run.